Training Log by Simon Gautherin - Time to get started
After a few years working in different areas in the specialty coffee industry, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and start competing in Brewers cup for the first time this year. I see in this competition a great way to push my understanding of sourcing, roasting, and brewing and to get to know myself better. I’ve always been a very competitive person: in sports, at school, in games, I love the idea of being challenged and seeing myself improve through hard work and training.
The official dates for the French Nationals haven’t been announced yet but it seems like I have between 6 and 8 months ahead of me to get ready. It might seem like a long time to prepare but given that this year is my first time competing, I want to take a similar approach as when I was preparing for sports and card game competitions. That is to say working with structure, methodology and committing to several hours of training every week. Also, having this much time to prepare will allow me to deep dive into different topics and explore a bunch of rabbit holes.
Stay tuned for the next training logs to follow my journey and preparation for the French Brewers cup 2020
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