Guatemala - El Morito - Red Gesha
Location: Jalapa department, Guatemala
Farm: El Morito
Producer: Jose Roberto Monterroso Pineda
Harvest Date: January 2024
Received Date: June 2024
Varietal: Red Gesha
Growing Altitude: from 1500 to 2200 meter
Processing Method: Extended Washed
Total Volume Ordered: 100kg
Roast: Light Roast, suitable for both espresso & filter
Flavour Notes: Florals, Berries & Tropical
Our recipes
These recipes reflect the approach to coffee served in our Showroom.
The filter recipe is based on our own april Brewers (flat-based) and our april Paper Filters. As for espresso, the recipes are designed using a Modbar AV.
All of our grind settings reference a Ditting Sweet Lab 804. You can adjust your grind settings as necessary and use the recommended brew time as a reference.

About the farm
El Morito is located in the small village Morales, municipality of Mataquescuintla, in the department of Jalapa.
With an elevation from 1400 to 2200 m, 98 hectares of the total 672 hectares of the farm are dedicated to coffee, with an incredible natural forest all around the estate.
The farm works with many varieties of coffee, but they give priority to the ones that especially thrive in the climate and conditions of the area. They work with Pache San Ramon, Catuaí, Bourboon, Maragogipe, Pacamara, Maracatu and Geisha.
Cup of Excellence ranking:
Cup of Excellence 2013 - 2nd place
Cup of Excellence 2014 - 3rd place
Cup of Excellence 2015 – 2nd place
Cup of Excellence 2016 – 9th place
Cup of Excellence 2017 – 4th place
Cup of Excellence 2018 – 6th place
Cup of Excellence 2019 – 8th place
Cup of Excellence 2022 – 1st place

About the lot
This plot is planted at 2,300 masl, the microclimate at this altitude is such a special due to the cold temperatures, high moisture content, soil properties. This plot is planted under pines and cypress shade and the upper part of the mountain has a natural forest of christmas trees. The combination of weather conditions, flora, fauna and the agronomical labors we have done so far are the perfect match to produce an exceptional cup.
The harvest is mainly done during the full moon phase, all the nutrients are concentrated into the cherry during a full moon phase, it allows the maximum concentration of sugars for further processes. The color we like to pick is blood red, which is the one with the maximum concentration of sugars and not fermentation into the bean. The harvest is done by hand picking to ensure the perfect ripening and selection of the cherries, after the picking process the coffee is moved to the wet mill taking care of the temperature and manipulation of the cherries, then the coffee is pulped without water to keep the highest sugar content attached to the bean. The fermentation process is carried out into concrete tanks covered by tiles with absence of light and heat. This is an open, solid-dry fermentation that lasts 120 hours. The temperature of the cake (coffee beans) during the fermentation process does not surpass 20 degree celsius. After the fermentation process the coffee is washed with potable water free of any type of possible contamination, the aim is to remove all the mucilage attached to the beans. The washing process is carried out using "correteos" concrete channels, the correteos helps to remove the mucilage and sort the beans by density, in this way we are able to remove all the imperfections that the coffee has. After the washing process we leave the coffee soaked into water for 14 hours to wash out any strange flavor from the bean and achieve a clean cup.
The coffee is dried in patios with sunlight, the coffee is moved every 20 min to ensure an even drying process and it lasts 18 days. During the nights the coffee is gathered and covered to avoid the moisture from the cold nights. It helps to keep the drying process even.
Flavour Notes: Florals, Berries & Tropical
Sweetness: ●●●●○
Body: ●●○○○
Acidity: ●●●○○
Learn more about this varietal on the World Coffee Research.