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We ship out orders every Tuesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).
We ship out orders every Tuesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).

Panama - Elida Estate - Gesha

Location: Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
Farm: Elida Estate
Farmer: Lamastus Family

Harvest Date: January 2024
Release Date: December 2024

Varietal: Gesha 
Growing Altitude: 1,670-1,950m.
Processing Method: Natural
Total Volume Ordered: 60 kg
Roast: Light Roast, suitable for both espresso & filter
Flavour Notes: Florals, Grapefruit & Stewed Green Apple

Our recipes

These recipes reflect the approach to coffee served in our Showroom.
The filter recipe is based on our own april Brewers (flat-based) and our april Paper Filters. As for espresso, the recipes are designed using a Modbar AV.
All of our grind settings reference a Ditting Sweet Lab 804. You can adjust your grind settings as necessary and use the recommended brew time as a reference.

About the farm

This is our first time purchasing from the Lamastus Family Estates, and we are happy to collaborate with them now on both Limited & April launches. 

The farm spreads on a total of 65ha, with half being coffee trees and the other half a forest reserve. They grow Geisha (10%), Catuai (80%) & Typica (10%), one lot is 40 years of age, and the others are 5 years old, all located at a growing altitude between 1670 & 1950m.

The trees are all shade grown surrounded by a private virgin forest reserve and a National Park. The farm is host to many exotic native species of plants, birds and mammals including the Quetzal (bird) and the jaguar, biological rich and diverse cloud forest.

About the coffee

This coffee is produced under a unique world-condition for several reasons: first the farm is located at a very high elevation, it is grown in rich young volcanic soils, the temperatures are low, there is lots of fog and mist during the dry season, the coffee trees are surrounded by virgin-native cloudy rain forest, the nights get cold here thereby taking a tree from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 years to start producing (2 or 3 years longer to produce than average), these low temperatures also extend the ripening time 1 month longer (thereby the development of the bean). All these unique growing conditions show in a distinguished cup.

Sweetness: ●●●●○
Body: ●●●●○
Acidity: ●●●○○
Learn more about this varietal on the World Coffee Research.