Ecuador - Pillcocaja - Pacamara
Location: Yunguilla Valley, Azuay Province, Ecuador
Farm: Pillcocaja
Producer: Ana Maria & Nicolas
Harvest Date: January 2022
Received Date: May 2022
Varietal: Sidra
Growing Altitude: 1650 meter
Processing Method: 120h Nitrogen Controlled Anaerobic
Total Volume Ordered: 150kg
Roast: Light Roast, suitable for both espresso & filter
Flavour Notes: Lactic, Pineapple & Florals

About the farm
The Pillcocaja Farm is located in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes, at rest since more than 70 years.
Located at 1650 meters above sea level, the coffee trees grow naturally under the shade of old native trees named Faiques and it feeds on natural springs that are formed in the high parts of the mountain. It is our third season working with the Pillcocaja farm.
About the coffee
Pacamara is a varietal coffee that crossed two existing types of Arabica beans: Pacas and Maragogype. First produced in 1958 in El Salvador, this coffee is getting new attention for its unique flavor and attributes
Sweetness: ●●●○○
Body: ●●○○○
Acidity: ●●●●○