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We ship out orders every Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).
We ship out orders every Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).
April Athlete: David Train

April Athlete: David Train

I’ve been lucky enough to work in coffee for over 12 years, in three different countries, with (at the time) vastly different coffee cultures. Australia, UK, and Germany. Working for some of the (in my biased opinion) worlds best coffee roasters, whilst also working for some commercial coffee roasters as well.

I’ve had roles ranging from barista, Training Manager, Account Manager, and now as Green Bean Trader. I started competing as a way to test out theories I have developed over the years and to push myself as a coffee professional. It’s also an unbelievable way to connect with other coffee professionals around the world. I also believe educating, and pushing ourselves constantly is the only way to help develop our industry around the world.

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