April in Copenhagen - Pilestræde

Visit us at:
Pilestræde 37,
1112 København K
Pilestræde 37,
1112 København K
We are happy to welcome you to our new store in the heart of Copenhagen. Here you can sample our coffees and explore a meticulously curated selection of April Products.
This space has been thought and designed in partnership with A. Petersen.

Experience our uncompromising focus on coffee quality
Filter & Espresso
House Coffee – 45 DKK
April Selection – 75 DKK
April Limited – 200 DKK
Espresso with milk
House Coffee – 50 DKK
April Selection – 80 DKK
April Limited – 200 DKK
Canelé by Omegn & Venner – 40 DKK
(For more details about the specific coffees, please ask our barista about our current offering).
Opening hours:
TUE - FRI: 9 – 17:30
SAT: 10 - 17
SUN - MON: Closed
*We always communicate any change in opening hours via Social Media and our Newsletter. Please note that we are closed during the month of July and in between Christmas and New Year. As well as all public holidays.

april Coffee Copenhagen - Pilestræde
Pilestræde 37, 1112 København