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We ship out orders every Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).

How we Brew Coffee with an Aeropress Brewer

This week, we took a moment to share our current favourite Aeropress recipe with you, showing you our preferred methods of creating a concentrated brew. As we prepare for this year's Danish Aeropress Championship, we decided to put together a brief video showing what we consider to be the most important variables to control when using this particular brewing device, and how you can use this particular technique to produce excellent concentrate based brews.

Whether you’re competing in your national Aeropress competition, or simply looking to improve your cup quality at home we highly recommend trying the following recipe: Use a 1:4 brew ratio using an Aeropress in the Inverted method, for example dosing 30g of dry grounds and brewing with 120g of brew water. Use the coarsest grind setting on your grinder. Begin this brew by pouring 120g of brew water, heated to 82'C, in the first 10 seconds of the brew. From 10-25s, agitate the brew ensuring that no clumping occurs within the chamber of the Aeropress and that your agitation is evenly distributed and weighted.

Place and screw the filter to your Aeropress, and carefully flip and place your brewer on a vessel or server at which point you should be approximately 30 seconds into your brew time. Wait until 1:00, at which stage you may begin to apply a consistent pressure and expel the concentrate into your vessel at a careful and consistent rate, aiming to completely press all remaining liquid from the chamber within 20 seconds, leaving you with a total brew time for 1:20. Add a further 100g of brewing water to your concentrate to create a dilution, you may add less or more brew water to your concentration depending on your preference of strength and flavour.

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